Please enter your 8 digit Council Tax account reference starting with a 5 or 6. This includes council housing, finding a home, and private housing. Report. Supporting financial information. If you are a council tenant and having difficulty paying your rent our rent arrears officers are here to help. From April 2020, we can increase rents by inflation plus 1% annually. B63 3UP, Halesowen, Dudley. Further details are provided in the. Download, print the Housing Direct Debit Mandate form below , complete and return to us at the address shown on the mandate. There are various methods of paying your rent, including the paying online, Direct Debit, Standing Order, telephone, or over the counter. Information regarding the different housing options within Dudley Borough can be found here. Existing customers have been invited to make new applications on our new system, Dudley Homes. By paying your council tax, business rates or council housing rent by direct debit, you could win £100. In this year’s budget, the council is also proposing a 1. 5 percent increase in rents, which would mean the average weekly rent would rise in April 2021 by just over a pound a week. Alternatively you can call us. We would advise you to keep accurate records of when rent is paid to you. Contact the team on 0300 555 0010. If you are looking for housing in the Dudley borough one option is rented accommodation. If you pay your rent by Direct Debit, you will. If you are a council tenant and having difficulty paying your rent our rent arrears officers are here to help. . Pay now on Dudley eStore. Amount. Request for Rent Refund Form. All applicants, excluding tenants of Dudley Council, housing associations or other local authorities, are required to provide two written references, one for conduct and one financial, per applicant/joint applicant. Please put URGENT RENT ARREARS in the subject box of your email. Information regarding the different housing options within Dudley Borough can be found here. Find out how and when until pay your rent, garage, insurance & rechargeable repairs and what to do if you have problems. If you pay by any other method, please contact The Income Team on 0300 555 0010. propertyheads. This includes council housing, finding a home, and private housing. If you are unsure what to provide or encounter any problems please contact Dudley Council Plus on 0300 555 2345. For further information, please contact Dudley Council Plus. 30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Find out more about our prize draw. Total Floor Area: 809. Council Tax helps to pay for Council services including education and social services, West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner and Fire & Civil Defense. If you are a Dudley Council tenant you can view and manage your housing rent, garage and home contents insurance on-line. We also investigate property related statutory nuisances, and carry out immigration inspections. Applying for a council home. From April 2016 to April 2019, council rents were decreased by 1% annually, as required by government. You bottle also find out something support will available. 1 room. 32MB)Account Name: Dudley Metropolitan Borough; Bank: HSBC, High Street, Dudley; Sort Code: 40-19-28; Account Number: 20950688; A reference must be also be quoted so we can identify you. • We provide home contents cover for fire, theft, flooding and accidental damage. com 30+ days ago. Please enter your 9 digit reference number. It is essential that any email report of arrears is clearly identifiable and contains the following information or we may not be able. Mtrs - 8715 sq. This includes payments for Rent, Insurance, Traveller and Rechargeable Repairs. Collect a Direct Debit form from Dudley Council Plus, Castle Street, Dudley. For example - 0951234567Dudley - Choice Based Lettings. The Council receives money from the Government and income from Business Rates, although this is not enough to cover the whole cost of Council services. Private Sector. If you are having problems paying your rent, then please contact us as soon as possible. A brand-new ground floor one bedroom flat having great location just off Stourbridge Road, ideal for bus services to Birmingham City Centre and in walking. Pay Online. Over the telephone with one of our Benefit Advisors. Call the Housing Direct Debit Team on 01384 815024 to set up a Direct Debit over the telephone. If you do not already keep records a Rent Statement form is provided below for this purpose. Contact the team on 0300 555 0010. 1 Bedroom , Stourbridge Road, Halesowen, West Midlands. Collect a Direct Debit form from Dudley Council Plus, Castle Street, Dudley. Online payments system for Housing payments (rent, garage, contents insurance, Traveller, R echargeable repair invoice ), CCTV Images, Council Tax,. For more. Pay Online. Instead the scheme provides the landlord with a written guarantee in place of the deposit that ensures that any damage to. Opening hours: 8. Our work has an impact on the health and protection of residents and we work to remedy inadequate housing conditions. eHousing. Reinvestment. To select more than one item from a list hold down the CTRL key (or Apple key on a Mac) on your keyboard whilst clicking on the items required with your mouse. 62 Sq. If you are a council tenant and having difficulty paying your rent our rent arrears officers are here to help. We. Telephone: 0300 555 2345. gov. Our email address is landlords. £ 550. An asterisk (*) denotes a mandatory field Please wait. Our. com Getting involved in Dudley Housing. Flats. If you pay your rent by Direct Debit, you will. Find out how and when to pay your rent, garage, coverage & chargeable repairs and what up to if you have problems. provide quarterly rent statements showing rent outstanding and paid in the last 13 weeks assist the tenant with any claim for benefits, including housing benefit, the housing element of universal. View terms and conditions for home contents insurance. Dudley Council [email protected] Sector Housing Enforcement. uk. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Home Contents Insurance Team - our policy: • Dudley Council staff are here to advise on the policy cover, help you to apply or make a claim. (PDF 1. Online payments system for Housing payments (rent, garage, contents insurance, Traveller, R echargeable repair invoice ), CCTV Images, Council Tax, Business rates, BID Levy, Fines (Parking and other). 1 bathroom. Dudley at Home lists properties that are available from Dudley. Ft. The legal authorisation which allows us to offer electronic claims. Former Dudley Museum and Art Gallery St James Road DY1 1HZ. Accessibility Statement for Thank You; Housing. Call the Housing Direct Debit Team on 01384 815024 to set up a Direct Debit over the telephone. The scheme is aimed at those who want to live in private tenancy but cannot raise the cash deposit. You can also find out what support the available during. Getting involved in Dudley. Council Tax. Council Tax. The property comprises a substantial two-storey period building of brick and decorative stone construction, surmounted by a pitched slate tiled roof. How to pay your rent. Our Rent Arrears Officers are available to advise you on the next best course of action, and they will be able to work out a repayment plan or restructure your payments if you are not able to pay your arrears in full. Council Tax. • You can apply 24/7 via our online application. We provide lots of services to residents within the Dudley Borough, including: planning, Council Tax, bins and recycling, housing, parking and roads, safeguarding, among many others. If you do not already keep records a Rent Statement form is provided below for this purpose. Contact the team on 0300 555 0010. The office is closed at weekends and on bank holidays. Those wishing to make a new application to the housing register will be able to do so from 31st July 2023. Download, print the Housing Direct Debit Mandate form below , complete and return to us at the address shown on the mandate. Privacy & Limitation Statement Directory of Privacy and Disclaimer Statements Accessibility Statement fork vultrtechnologies. If you would like to apply over the telephone, please contact Benefits Services call 0300 555 8100. This will be your Council Tax account reference, (8 digit number starting with 5 or a 6 as shown on your bill), prefixed with 09. Housing Board. We work towards ensuring landlords meet their legal obligations across Dudley. Reference. The Rent Deposit Scheme has been set up to help those who may be struggling to secure a cash deposit for private tenancy. Information regarding the different housing options within Dudley Borough can be found here. Board Membership; Housing options. . This includes council housing, finding a home, and private housing. . If new applications are not made customers will be unable to express interest in any properties advertised after 31st July 2023. . Please use the following form to request a refund online. If you pay by Direct Debit please contact the Housing Direct Debit Team on 01384 815024 who will review your account and raise a refund by BACS.